Series: Fiction
Mikhail Eremin

2021. 125 x 200 mm. Hardcover. 464 p.

ISBN 978-5-4448-1553-3

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Annotation: Mikhail Yeryomin is a poet and translator who played a major role in the modernization of Russian poetic language in the late 20th century. Toward the end of the 1950s, Yeryomin was a member of one of Leningrad’s first informal literary groups, which later became known as the “philological school”. Having published in Russia primarily via samizdat since the 1960s, Yeryomin’s first book, Poems, was published in 1986 by the Hermitage Press of New Jersey (USA). This NLO edition of Poems is the first to bring together Yeryomin’s poems and translations from 1957 – 2020, without which many features of his earlier poetics are rendered incomprehensible. Yeryomin’s poetic style is characterized by polyphonic imagery “rolled up into” miniature-eight-verse and accompanied by rich intellectual commentary and reminiscences. Yeryomin manages to expand the boundaries of poetic language via inclusion of scientific terms and conventional symbols from the natural sciences. Yeryomin’s is a kind of natural-philosophical lyric, revised with appeals to Russian and Anglo-American modernisms, as well as to the ancient tradition of expanded metaphors and medieval scholarly poetry.

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