
Russia in Correspondence publishes the epistolary writings of some of the most prominent names in the history of Russian culture and politics, as well as the letters of lesser-known figures who nevertheless left behind captivating accounts of the times in which they lived. This series allows readers to witness, virtually firsthand, everyday life in the Russia of centuries past—heated battles over contentious reforms, the eruption of revolutionary shocks, the thrill of new scientific discoveries, and the birth of new artistic movements and schools of literature. Scholars and general audiences alike will enjoy books in this series not only for their first-person accounts of important historical events, but also for the way in which they lay bare the inner lives of the authors of these letters.

Series editor — Irina Prokhorova

Prince Charles-Joseph de Ligne

Nikolai Antsiferov

Andrei Bely — Emil Metner

Andrei Bely — Emil Metner

Olga Knipper — Maria Chekhova

Olga Knipper — Maria Chekhova

Yuri Lotman and Boris Uspensky